Station 12 off to a big start in 2025! 

Firstly, we would like to congratulate two of our Advanced Crew Members, Mode Guy and Duncan Smith on the successful completion of Coxswain and Leadership II over the past couple months. CLII is an Advanced Electronic Navigation for Fast Rescue Craft Operations & Basic Leadership Principles course. The objective of the course is to teach advanced navigation and target assessment utilizing radar designed for small craft in the context of Search and Rescue (SAR) in up to zero visibility conditions. A second and complimentary goal is to assess students on their leadership and bridge management skills. Both Mode and Duncan were top of their class and are well on the path to becoming Restricted Coxswains with RCMSAR12. Restricted Coxswain’s are Coxswain’s in training – they are able to develop their skills through missions and on the water training runs in low risk situations such as daylight hours, and calmer weather. 

In January, we finished our very successful recruiting drive! We now have 16 active crew new recruits and 2 new supporting members. Our active crew new recruits are currently meeting on Monday evenings in class working through the Search and Rescue Manual. So far, topics that have been covered are Introduction to Search and Rescue in Canada and BC, Personal Safety, Risk Assessment Processes’, Vessel Fitness and Safety and Electronic Navigation. Up next is Seamanship, Knots and Boat Handling. All of our active crew recruits are very keen and engaged during lessons and we look forward to competing the required in class work; as well as in water fitness tests (it’s going to be cold!!!) before having them out on the boat for their first time, which is called a “Check Ride”. We look forward to updating you all on this in the coming months! I want to thank Amy Earle, our Station Admin and Recruiting Officer for all of her hard work in getting these 18 wonderful people to join our station – it’s a long process and a big dedication for those of us behind the scenes to get to this point, and we could not have done it without her! 

Our regular crew have been busy on the water training this winter, practicing skills such as search patterns, navigation and station keeping. Here are some images of a few of our training runs!

Written by Tonya Ste. Marie

Coxswain and Training Officer, SAR12

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