Mission Statement, Vision and Values
Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue is a charitable organization whose volunteers provide marine SAR response 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our volunteers operate more than 30 marine rescue stations on the British Columbia coast and in the B.C. Interior covering 450,000 square kilometres of internal and offshore waters.
Our mission is saving lives on the water.
Our vision is excellence in community-based marine safety. The core of our operations, our values are built on:
Safety: our top priority and the forefront of all of activities from our Safety Management System to our thorough internal regulatory body and the Safety and Training Board.
Volunteerism: The spirit of volunteerism and sense of service to communities and individuals in need are at the heart of what motivates our members.
Professionalism: Our people, the quality of our operations and training, our equipment and our learning culture are all elements of the professionalism that distinguishes RCMSAR.
Community: We foster connection in the communities in which support our stations and to a broader community of responders who contribute to the safety of people in British Columbia.
Trust: The continued trust of the people who we serve and of our partners is the greatest measure of our effectiveness.