Lateral Buoys and Isolated Danger Aids
Port Hand Buoy
- Green.
- Green light (Fl) 4s or (Q) 1s (if equipped).
- If unlighted, it has a flat top.
- Topmark is a single green cylinder (if equipped).
- Letter and odd number(s).
- Green retroreflective material.
User’s Guide: A port hand buoy marks the port (left) side of a channel or the location of a danger which must be kept on the vessel’s port (left) side when proceeding in the upstream direction.
Port Bifurcation Buoy
- Green with one red horizontal band.
- Green light, composite group Fl(2+1) 6s or Fl(2+1) 10s (if equipped).
- If unlighted, it has a flat top.
- Topmark is a single green cylinder (if equipped).
- Lettered – no numbers.
- Green retroreflective material.
User’s Guide: A port bifurcation buoy marks the point where a channel divides when proceeding in the upstream direction. When the preferred (main) channel is desired, the buoy should be kept on the vessel’s port (left) side.
Starboard Hand Buoy
- Red.
- Red light (Fl) 4s or (Q) 1s (if equipped).
- If unlighted, it has a pointed (conical) top.
- Topmark is a single red cone, point upward (if equipped).
- Letter and even number(s).
- Red retroreflective material.
User’s Guide: A starboard hand buoy marks the starboard (right) side of a channel or the location of a danger which must be kept on the vessel’s starboard (right) side when proceeding in the upstream direction.
Starboard Bifurcation Buoy
- Red with one green horizontal band.
- Red light, composite group Fl(2+1) 6s or Fl(2+1) 10s (if equipped).
- If unlighted, it has a pointed (conical) top.
- Topmark is a single red cone, point upward (if equipped).
- Lettered – no numbers.
- Red retroreflective material.
User’s Guide: A starboard bifurcation buoy marks the point where a channel divides when proceeding in the upstream direction. When the preferred (main) channel is desired, the buoy should be kept on the vessel’s starboard (right) side.
Fairway Buoy
- Red & white vertical stripes.
- White light Mo(A) 6s or (LFl) 10s (if equipped).
- If unlighted, it has a spherical top.
- Red spherical topmark (if equipped).
- Lettered – no numbers.
- White retroreflective material.
User’s Guide: This buoy indicates safe water. Used to mark landfalls, channel entrances or channel centers. It may be passed on either side but should be kept to the port (left) when proceeding in either direction.
Isolated Danger Aids
- Black with one red horizontal band.
- White light, group Fl(2) 5s or group Fl(2)10s (if equipped).
- Two black spherical topmarks.
- Lettered – no numbers.
- White retroreflective material.
User’s Guide: An isolated danger aid is moored on, or installed above an isolated danger which has navigable water all around it. Consult the chart for information concerning the danger (dimensions, depth, etc.). May be used to mark natural dangers such as small shoals or obstructions such as wrecks.
Attribution Statement: Contains information published by the Canadian Coast Guard and Department of Fisheries and Oceans licensed under the Canadian Coast Guard Open Information Licence. This Information is available in its original format for free download on the Canadian Coast Guard website and the Monthly Edition of the Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR) website.