Special Buoys
General Information on Special Buoys:
- Shapes have no significance.
- Yellow lights – flash characters indicated below (if equipped).
- Cautionary, scientific and anchorage buoys may display a yellow “x” topmark.
- May be lettered – no numbers.
- Yellow retroreflective material.
Cautionary buoys mark dangers such as firing ranges, underwater pipelines, race courses, seaplane bases and areas where no through channel exists.
Anchorage buoys mark the perimeter of designated anchorage area. Please consult the chart for water depth.
Mooring buoys are used for mooring or securing vessels. Mariners should be aware that a vessel may be secured to such a buoy.
Information buoys display information such as locality, marina, campsite, etc… Mariners are encouraged to follow the information illustrated within the orange square.
Hazard buoys mark random hazards such as shoals and rocks. Information concerning the hazard is illustrated with the orange diamond.
Control buoys indicate speed limits, wash restrictions, etc.. Mariners are urged to follow the restriction illustrated within the orange circle.
Keep-out buoys marks areas in which boats are prohibited.
Scientific (ODAS)
Ocean data acquisition system (ODAS) buoy collects meteorological and other scientific data.
Diving buoys mark an area where scuba or other such diving activity is in progress. Not normally charted.
Swimming buoys mark the perimeter of swimming area. May not be charted.
Attribution Statement: Contains information published by the Canadian Coast Guard and Department of Fisheries and Oceans licensed under the Canadian Coast Guard Open Information Licence. This Information is available in its original format for free download on the Canadian Coast Guard website and the Monthly Edition of the Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR) website.