Transport Canada works with various boating safety organizations, like RCMSAR to offer free safety checks for pleasure craft.
If you agree to have a check done, a trained boating safety volunteer will board your boat while alongside a dock to check out the safety equipment and other requirements, identify any problems and discuss general boating safety issues. Education and prevention are the keys to this program. Since there are never any penalties involved, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about boating safety and make sure that you are ready to head out on the water. Our team is grateful to provide these checks.

The knowledge you gain from our safety checks will help you to stay safe on the water year after year.
Not sure what safety gear you need? RCM-SAR offers free safety checks for small craft operators. Our members will be happy to visit your boat at the dock and provide a courtesy check. They’ll make sure you have the safety equipment you need to comply with various safety regulations and stay safe in the environment where you’ll be boating.
It’s free, its quick, and its confidential. And it could save a life.
Email: to arrange an appointment.